of her best seller. I got this Espasol recipe from the Philippine Cookery and Household Hints by Herminia Villacorta-Alvarez.
1 c malagkit, boiled
4 c rice flour, toasted until light brown
2 c sugar
anise seeds
1 c coconut milk
1-1/2 c toasted shredded coconut
* Place sugar, anise seeds and coconut milk in a saucepan;
let boil until thick.
* Add toasted shredded coconut and cook for 3 minutes.
* Add boiled malagkit, stir and cook until thick.
* Remove from fire and add 3 c toasted rice flour.
* Mix with a wooden spoon and pass through a corn-meal grinder.
* Divide into parts and roll 1" diameter using the rest of the rice flour for rolling.
* Wrap in wax paper.