
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

WHB# 320 Nilagang Saging (Boiled Banana)

Come harvest time for bananas, we would have plenty of
unripe bananas at home. Dad would choose the large ones
to sell and the smaller ones are left for our consumption.

This is another way of boiling banana that I learned here in Pila.

Instead of boiling ripe bananas, unripe banana is used. Washed
it thoroughly, and with you palm, press each banana to crack it.
Place in a large pot with water and add salt. Boil bananas until
cooked. The sap of the fruit will mix with the water adding flavor
and will turn the fruit brownish. Served with grated coconut and 
sprinkle sugar.

Sharing this snack to all
Weekend Herb Blogging lovers.
This week's roundup #320
is hosted by Astrid of
Paulchens Foodblog?!


  1. Ila, we use bananas in similar ways! It was lovely to see that bunch too.

  2. Its definitely different for me and I always treated the bananas as a snack rather then a cooking ingredient, I think its time to change that :) Best wishes!

  3. This is so cool! Never thought of it before, I might just have to try it!

  4. it's so simple and wholesome. you lucky to have such fresh stuff!

  5. What a wonderful treat! I've never had boiled bananas, but they sound incredible. How great it must be to have such fresh (and under-ripe, in this case) produce! I'm definitely jealous. ;)

  6. I have 4 green bananas at home, and I am definitely prepping them like this. I have NEVER done this and I love the idea. GREAT!

  7. I have never done this before and seems so great. My next round of cooking bananas will be this simple yet great recipe.

  8. Very interesting recipe, I have never had banana this way! Thank you for sharing!

  9. Never heard of this! Will have to try, especially with coconut, yum!

  10. Banana and coconut ...good combination! I've never heard of boiling bananas before. I'll try it.

  11. Interesting! I've been going bananas lately ... not literally :)... and this caught my interest. I've never boiled bananas before nor have I ever thought that raw bananas can be eaten. This is something to try! Thanks!
